Barrierefreie Ausflugsziele in München und Bayern


Accessible Bavaria

A lot has happened in Bavaria in recent years. Accessibility is no longer a niche topic. Every barrier that is removed is a win for everyone – for people with disabilities, for families with small children, for senior citizens, for travelers with luggage.

With the “Bavaria barrier-free” program, the goal of barrier-free access is firmly anchored in the work of the Bavarian state government. All ministries are involved and work together. In the “Barrier-free Bavaria” cabinet committee, the political heads of all ministries have an eye on the big picture – and all the details.

The task is and remains topical: barriers in many areas of life still make participation in social life more difficult. Since our world is constantly changing, new hurdles are constantly appearing.

Bavaria therefore needs people who support the concerns of the state government and actively implement them in their sphere of influence – just like the people involved in our film. With their commitment and their ideas, they prove that a barrier-free Bavaria is possible and offers a plus in quality of life for everyone. On behalf of many people in Bavaria, we will show you how they break down barriers in practice and what motivates them to do so.

On October 17th, 2022, the company SBS Fahrdienst München GmbH was awarded the signet “Bavaria barrier-free” for the concrete, considerable contribution to barrier-freedom.

How can you book us?

We have set up a service hotline for your accessible vehicle reservation:
Phone +49 174 / 192 71 06 or via eMail